The Hawaii Tropical Fruit Growers is a non-profit organization run by volunteers who are passionate about our mission... MORE TEXT ABOUT NON-PROFIT TYPE ETC..
You can read more about us and our work on our About page.
Below are a number of items we're trying to find funding for. Your donation can be of any size and you can choose for it to be a one time or annual donation. Your generosity will help us acquire these goods and services for our operations.
$5,000 - Metal bench tops for the greenhouse.
$1,600 - Better Greenhouse fans
$100 ea. - Large 65 gallon and larger pots to grow out trees to provide scion.
$3,500 - Pallet of 14 inch deep 4 x 4 inch pots for propagation trees in the green house.
$800 - Supersoil 8 bales, one for each greenhouse
$600 - 12’weed mat, 2 rolls
$6,000 - Website management
Lanai chapter
Ube tubers for propagation
Molokai chapter
$5,000 - Deer Fencing
Oahu chapter
Orchard Ladder $500